martes, agosto 30, 2005

Canción #1

Cada semana, a partir de este preciso instante, hasta que me canse y/o me olvide de hacerlo, voy a poner la letra de la canción que me esté taladrando los oídos en ese momento, con la respectiva tapa del disco en la que el tema haya sido grabado. Y punto.

The Muffs


You were a fool to go under the table
And now you know you were unable
To pretend you're all alone
And now look what it's done to you

And when you find that you're getting attention
And you think that you're having all the fun
But soon you'll realize
You're living in a fantasy

So now you're all alone
And you don't really
Like the way he went away
And now you're living in agony

Do anything you want always all the time
But now you know it wasn't worth a dime
So now you're all alone
And now it's not a perfect world

And when you think you're more clever than anyone
Now think again, we knew it all along
But in reality
I know you'll never be okay

And I'll be by your side
And I'll be by your side
And if you think that I'm unkind
Then you're blind


At 3/27/2006 12:49 p. m., Anonymous Anónimo said...

buscando en el google la letra de esta canción que taaanto me gustaba hace unos años...he llegado aqui...
y te dejo un saludo y mi dirección
..por si me quieres devolver ese HOLA!


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